Identifying Habits & Behaviors for American & German Cockroaches

German & American Cockroach Infestation

Identifying Habits, Traits & Infestation Patterns of California German & American Cockroaches

When it comes to Southern California roach infestations, it’s crucial to identify the specific roach species involved in order to develop an effective roach eradication plan. Among the most common culprits are German roaches and American roaches. Although they share a reputation for being highly dreaded, unsightly pests, these two species have distinct characteristics that set them apart. Understanding the differences between German roaches (Blattella germanica) and American roaches (Peri Planeta americana) is vital for targeted pest control measures and effective prevention. In this article, we will delve into the distinctive traits, habits, and infestation patterns of both species.


American vs German Cockroaches

German roaches are smaller in size compared to their American counterparts. Adult German roaches usually range between 12 to 15 millimeters (about 0.59 in) in length, with a light brown to tan coloration. They possess two distinct, dark parallel stripes running down their pronotum. In contrast, American roaches are larger, measuring around 25 to 40 millimeters (about 1.57 in) in length. These roaches have a reddish-brown coloration, with a distinctive figure-eight pattern present on their pronotum. 

German roaches are known for their affinity to human dwellings, particularly in kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas with easy access to food and water. They tend to stay close to warmth and moisture sources, such as sinks, dishwashers, and bathroom pipes. These roaches reproduce rapidly, with a single female capable of producing hundreds of offspring in her lifetime. German roach infestations are commonly introduced through infested grocery bags, appliances, or even secondhand furniture. 

On the other hand, American roaches prefer outdoor environments and thrive in warm and humid climates. They can be found in sewers, basements, and other damp areas, often gaining access to homes through gaps or cracks in walls and foundations. American roaches are also known to fly, which sets them apart from their German counterparts. Their ability to take flight enables them to travel greater distances and potentially infest multiple areas within a building.


Los Angeles County German roaches are primarily nocturnal creatures, preferring to remain hidden during the day and emerging at night to search for food. They are omnivorous, consuming a wide range of organic matter, including food debris, grease, paper, and even toothpaste. These roaches exhibit a strong aversion to light and will scatter and hide when exposed. 


In contrast, Los Angeles County American roaches are more versatile in their feeding habits. While they primarily consume decaying organic matter, they are also known to feed on a variety of food sources, including plant material, book bindings, and even smaller insects. American roaches are less skittish in the presence of light, making them less likely to scatter when exposed to it.


German roach infestations tend to be more prevalent indoors, particularly in crowded urban areas. Due to their rapid reproduction rate, infestations can quickly escalate into a major problem if left unaddressed. Effective control methods for German roaches involve a combination of thorough sanitation, targeted pesticide applications, and the use of roach baits in areas where they are known to harbor. 

American roach infestations, on the other hand, are more common in warmer climates and outdoor environments. These roaches often enter structures seeking food, water, or shelter, making it important to seal any potential entry points. To control American roaches, it is crucial to reduce outdoor harborage areas by removing leaf litter, woodpiles, and other debris near the house. Interior control measures may involve sealing plumbing or other utility gaps, making sure doors are properly sealed and other similar areas to prevent American roaches from entering.  

Versa-Tech Cockroach Exterminator


Do you have a cockroach problem in your San Dimas, Covina, Glendora, Anaheim, Long Beach, Pasadena, Upland, Los Angeles County or Northern OC home or business?

Our highly-skilled, dedicated pest professionals are here for you with free pest inspections, estimates and effective cockroach removal pest solutions customized to suit your needs. Call to book your appointment today or click here to contact us!

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